2025 GA Match Admit Day Registration Event RegistrationChoose Event to AttendAugusta Tech (March 11, 2025)North Georgia Tech (March 20, 2025)Albany Tech (March 26, 2025)Central GA Tech (March 19, 2025)Central GA Tech (March 25, 2025)Central GA Tech (April 17, 2025)This field is auto-populated from the previous page.Registration TypeI am a:(Required)Choose an OptionStudentParentCounselor/High School EmployeeYour Name(Required) First Last Name of person filling out this form, if you’re not the attendee and are a counselor, school employee, or parent.Additional Email Confirmation I would like to add another email confirmation Use if you are registering someone else, or if you want someone else to receive confirmationSecondary Email(Required) Enter Email Confirm Email Primary Attendee (Student) InformationAttendee Name(Required)Primary attendee name First Last Attendee Email(Required)Primary attendee email address Enter Email Confirm Email Attendee Phone(Required)Text Messages Opt-In(Required) I would like to receive text messages (SMS) Check the box to op-in and receive text messagesStudent Type(Required)Choose your Student TypeHigh School SeniorHigh School JuniorDual Enrollment StudentAdult Education GraduateCommunity MemberYour High School/Institution(Required)or school/institution location if an Adult Education StudentTime of Arrival (Augusta)(Required)Choose an Estimated Time of Arrival3 PM3:30 PM4 PM4:30 PM5 PM5:30 PM6 PM6:30 PM7 PMTime of Arrival (North GA)(Required)Choose an Estimated Time of Arrival2 PM2:30 PM3 PM3:30 PM4 PM4:30 PM5 PM5:30 PM6 PM6:30 PM7 PMTime of Arrival (Albany)(Required)Choose an Estimated Time of Arrival9 AM9:30 AM10 AM10:30 AM11 AM11:30 AM12 PM12:30 PM1 PM1:30 PM2 PM2:30 PM3 PM3:30 PM4 PMTime of Arrival (CGTC)(Required)Choose an Estimated Time of Arrival10 AM10:30 AM11 AM11:30 AM12 PM12:30 PM1 PM1:30 PM2 PM2:30 PM3 PM3:30 PM4 PMHow many people will attend?(Required)Approximate amount of attendees in your groupWill school provide transportation for students?(Required) Yes No EmailThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.